수요일, 2월 16, 2022 - 05:00 to 23:55
This is to test Kaltura Live webinar Performance.
Date : Feb 16 (Wed) 16:30 pm, Korea (15:30 Singapore, 13:00 Inida, 10:30 Turkey) Allowed to enter in advance.
- Network : Office, VPN, Externet
- Performance : YouTube, KMS streaming video,Playlist, Real-time sharing&nbs
- Sharing screen : desktop, tablet PC, smart Phone
- Analysis capture : chat, length, Q&A
- 회원은 Log-in하면 automatically하게 'Enter' button이 생성됩니다.
- 가능하면 회원으로 로그인 하십시오. ►(NVS staff SSO : https://www.medhub.novartis.co.kr/user)
- 비회원은 direct link로 바로 들어오셔도 됩니다. ►Non-member Link